Django Datta PRO - Latest Updates
Latest evolutions provided by Django Datta PRO: improved authentication, extended user profile - Premium Starter

Hello! This article presents the latest features added to Datta Able PRO, a premium Django starter built on top of a modern Bootstrap 5 design. The product was recently updated to support extended profiles for users, full user management outside of the admin section, and improved authentication flow. For newcomers, Django is a leading backend framework actively supported and versioned by programming experts. Thank you!
- 👉 Django Datta PRO - Video Presentation of the features
- 👉 Django Datta PRO - LIVE demo
- 🎁 Django Datta Able - the open-source version

✨ Update Highlights
The product now supports an improved authentication flow, extended user profiles, and superusers are able to edit all registered users.
- Password Strenght indicator (registration page)
- Automatic users suspensions on consecutive failed logins
- Extended user profile: address, phone number, website
- Full users management - super users only
A video presentation that highlights the changes is also published on Youtube:
In case this update provides something useful for your new project, feel free to use "datta_upd" coupon for a 20%OFF discount (to be used during the check out).
Thanks for reading
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