Eleventy Soft UI Design - Built with Prismic CMS

Open-source static site built with Eleventy (11ty) and Prismic CMS on top of Soft UI Design System - Product is actively supported by AppSeed.

Eleventy Soft UI Design System - Open-source Starter.
Eleventy Soft UI Design System - Open-source Starter

This article presents an open-source seed project built in Eleventy (11ty) and Prismic CMS on top of Soft UI Design System, a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. product can be used to code faster presentation websites an personal blogs. The product is provided and actively supported by AppSeed.

11ty Soft UI Design - Contact Page.
11ty Soft UI Design - Contact Page.

The UI is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, cards, and alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. Soft UI Design System is fully documented and the look and feel can be customized with ease via SASS files.

Soft UI Design System is probably the most innovative design crafted by Creative-Tim using a Boostrap codebase. Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites.

For more information about the original design please access:

The original design is hosted by Creative-Tim.

11ty Soft Design - Features

Eleventy was created to be a JavaScript alternative to Jekyll. It’s zero-config by default but has flexible configuration options. With a really nice growth in the last few months, Eleventy might be a great choice to code faster presentation websites and personal blogs. The UI comes with a few pre-built pages and the configuration required to pull at build time all articles edited in Prismic CMS.

  • Bootstrap 5 Design - Soft UI Design (free version)
  • Prismic CMS for blog posts
  • CSS Pipeline (Sass, CleanCSS)
  • JS Bundling (Webpack)
  • SVG Icon Sprite Generation
  • Critical CSS, HTML Minification
Eleventy Soft UI - Footer Section.
Eleventy Soft UI - Footer Section.
Eleventy Soft UI - Blog Article Sample
Eleventy Soft UI - Blog Article Sample.
Eleventy Soft UI - Blog Article Sample.

Thanks for reading! For more resources and support please access: