Flask Datta Able - Dark Mode (free product)
Open-Source Flask Dashboard crafted on top of a colorful Bootstrap template enhanced with dark mode - Datta Able is available for download from Github.

Hello! The article presents an open-source
starter crafted in Flask on top of a colorful bootstrap design enhanced with a dark-mode option. Flask Datta Able is available for download from Github (no registration lock) and based on the permissive (MIT) license the sources can be used for commercial projects or eLearning activities. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Datta Able Flask - product page
- 👉 Datta Able Flask - LIVE demo
- 🚀 Datta Able Generator - the tool used to build the projects

To accommodate with the product, this video material explains the key points of the Django Datta Able and also presents the steps to be followed in order to generate your own project using the App Generator (free service).
Datta Able is a popular design crafted and released for free by CodedThemes, a well-known web agency, and open-source contributor. The template comes with authentication pages, dashboards, widgets, and charts plus a rich UI set built on top of the popular Bootstrap CSS framework.
✨ How to use the product
Probably the easier way to compile and start the product in a local environment is to execute the Docker set up shipped with the sources (explained on the project README
Step #1 - Download the sources from the public repository
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-datta-able.git
$ cd flask-datta-able
Step #2 - Start the project via Docker
$ docker-compose up --build
Once the above commands are executed, we should be able to access the app in the browser, register new users, and authenticate.

The product comes with feature-rich pages and developer-centric code components built with performance and usability in mind. Datta Able comes with error-free, well-structured source code and is regularly updated with the latest dependencies.
Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.

Flask Datta Able - UI kit (buttons)