NextUI - Beautiful, fast, and modern React UI library

Hello! This article presents an open-source UI library for React. NextUI is a modern UI library, theme-able, fast that provides dark-mode out of the box. For newcomers, React is a popular JS library for coding user interfaces baked by Facebook. Thanks for reading!

NextUI allows you to make beautiful, modern, and fast websites/applications regardless of your design experience, created with React.js and Stitches, based on GeistUI and inspired by Vuesax.

NextUI - Open-source React UI Library (cover image)

✨ Library features

  • Themeable - simple to customize default themes
  • Fast - avoid unnecessary styles props at runtime
  • Light & Dark UI - automatic dark mode recognition
  • Out of the box Stitches utilities
  • Critical Path CSS - unnecessary CSS is removed
  • TypeScript based

✨Getting Started

Inside your React project directory, install NextUI by running either of the following:

yarn add @nextui-org/react
# or
npm i @nextui-org/react
NextUI - Installation

Setup - For NextUI to work correctly, you need to set up the NextUIProvider at the root of your application.

import * as React from 'react';

// 1. import `NextUIProvider` component
import { NextUIProvider } from '@nextui-org/react';

function App({ Component }) {
  // 2. Use at the root of your app
  return (
      <Component />
NextUI - Set Up 

Once NextUI is installed you can use any of the components as shown below.

import { Button } from '@nextui-org/react';

const Component = () => <Button>Click me</Button>;
NextUI - Components Usage 
NextUI - React Library Button

NextUI comes with a fully well-scaled default dark theme that you can apply to your application with just a few lines of code.

NextUI components follow the WAI-ARIA guidelines, provide keyboard support and sensible focus management.

SSR-ready - All NextUI components support cross-browser server-side rendering and provide a simple way to implement it in your project.

NextUI React Library - Dark-mode ready. 

Built-in media queries -  NextUI provides a set of common media queries that, along with Stitches breakpoints allow you to create responsive layouts faster.

Beautifully designed - NextUI components are unique and are not tied to any visual trend or design rule, which makes us unique and of course your projects as well.

NextUI React Library - MOdern eCommerce Components.

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