Now UI Kit React - Free Product

Hello! This article presents an open-source React Template crafted and released for free by the Creative-Tim agency. React Now UI Kit is a free Bootstrap 4, React, React Hooks, and Reactstrap UI Kit featuring over 50 elements and 3 prebuilt pages. Based on the permissive (MIT) license, the product can be downloaded and used for unlimited commercial end-projects. Thanks for reading!

Now UI Kit React contains some pages already designed and implemented. Here is the list with the pages available. We are also working on more example pages, that you will be able to access no matter the version you download.

Now UI Kit React is built on top of Bootstrap 4 using React, React Hooks, create-react-app, and Reactstrap. This makes starting a new project very simple.

It also provides benefits if you are already working on a Bootstrap 4, React or Reactstrap project; you can just import the Now UI Kit React style over it. Most of the elements have been redesigned; but if you are using an element we have not touched, it will fall back to the Bootstrap default.

Now UI Kit React - Profile Page
Now UI Kit React - Landing page
Now UI Kit React - Landing Page
Now UI Kit - Beautiful JS Components
Now UI Kit React - JS Components
Now UI Kit - Team Section
Now UI Kit React - Team Section

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