Paper Kit React - Free Template
Open-Source Template recently updated to React v18 - Paper Kit is released under the MIT license.

Hello! This article presents Paper UI Kit, an open-source React template crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim. The product was recently updated to support React v18 and other improvements (tooling and codebase structure). For newcomers, React is a leading JS library used to code interactive user interfaces with speed, baked by Facebook. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Paper Kit React - product page
- 👉 Paper Kit React - LIVE demo

✨ Product Highlights
Paper Kit React is a free Bootstrap 4, React, React Hooks, and Reactstrap UI Kit with pale colors, beautiful typography, and thoughtful drawings. We've created it having paper and drawings in mind.
- ✅ Modern stack: React v18
- ✅ 3 Sample Pages
- ✅ 50 handcrafted UI components
- ✅ Active Versioning
- ✅ MIT license (free for commercial use)
Any elements that are vital to coding a web project is already here, fully coded. All components are fully responsive and look great on every screen size. Transitions, shadows, colors, they all resemble the flow you would have using pieces of paper.
Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.