Rocket eCommerce
A simple, yet powerful eCommerce CMS Starter, powered by Stripe, Tailwind, and Django - actively supported by AppSeed.

Hello! This article presents Rocket eCommerce, a simple yet powerful CMS starter, that aims to help small businesses sell physical and digital products online with minimal effort and costs using Stripe as the payment processor and Tailwind for styling.
👉 LIVE Demo: Rocket eCommerce
NOTE: The source code can be downloaded from GitHub (public repository) for those interested in trying the product before buying.
The advantages of using this product compared with the classic ones like Shopify, WooCommerce or Medusa are simplicity, low costs, and the possibility to extend the core features via a custom development effort that any developer can do.

How it works
The source code (published on GitHub) needs to be connected to the Stripe Service via the API keys and the first step is to import the products using the ADMIN account:

Each Stripe product can be mapped to a local product and published on the website by adding local properties, more images, a complete description, and tags.

Besides the MAIN image pulled from Stripe, the user can upload other 5 images and also edit each one using a simple image editor:

The ADMIN is also able to manage all users and reset their passwords using a simple UI as shown below:

Site Settings
Being ADMIN, you can also customize other things like site name, and copyright, both visible in the page titles and footer.
The social links (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) once edited, are visible in the website footer:

The effect of these settings is visible in the service footer:

The content pages like Terms & Conditions, Privacy, and Help are editable using a visual HTML editor:

Product Screens

Rocket eCommerce - Search Page

Rocket eCommerce - Checkout Page

The payment flow can be tested by using a Stripe Test Card information "4242 4242 4242 4242" as shown below.

The product is continuously updated based on the user's feedback and issues reported on GitHub.
Thanks for reading! For more starters and support, feel free to access:
- 👉 Access AppSeed for more starters and support
- 👉 Build apps with Django App Generator (free service)