Tailwind & Flask - Free Starter

Hello Coders! This article presents an open-source starter built with Tailwind and Flask, two popular technologies widely used in the modern web these days. The UI is powered by Flowbite, a popular components library, and on top of this the product comes with Docker, CI/CD support, and a permissive MIT license (commercial use allowed).

The product can be easily started using the Docker Setup shipped with the sources via a single command:

✅ Clone/Download the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/rocket-flask.git
$ cd rocket-flask
✅ Start with Docker Compose
$ docker-compose up --build 

Once the above command command is executed, we can visit the app in the browser localhost:5085.

Tailwind & Flask Starter - Main Dashboard page (Desktop & Mobile View) 

This simple starter also provides a starter page with a responsive navigation bar and a hero section.

Tailwind & Flask Free Product - Starter Page

From this point, the project can be extended by adding more features like OAuth, Charts, or Celery support and UI Tailwind Components from the Flowbite library.

✅ Resources

For more resources and support, follow up on the links & information presented in the following section.