Vue Material Dashboard - Free Laravel Starter

Open-Source seed project crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Laravel and Vue, using a pixel-perfect Material Dashboard design.

Material Dashboard - Free starter built with Laravel and Vue
Material Dashboard - Free starter built with Laravel and Vue

Hello! This article presents Vue Material Dashboard, an open-source seed project crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim using Laravel as the backend technology. The product comes with 7 sample pages, 15 UI components, a JSON-API service, and active versioning and support. For newcomers, Laravel is a leading backend framework used to code from simple websites to secured APIs or complex eCommerce solutions.

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Charts (free template).
Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Charts (free template).

✨ Product Highlights

Build awesome-looking apps with a flexible architecture across a variety of devices and operating systems with Vue Material Dashboard Laravel.

  • ✅ Modern stack: Vue & Laravel
  • ✅ Material Design, 7 pages, 15 Components
  • ✅ Active versioning & Support
  • ✅ MIT License (free for commercial use)

Behind the curtains, everything goes through an API, which allows for a high degree of standardization. We like to keep our client requests and server responses predictable and our frontend design interesting.

Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Profile Page (free template).
Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Profile Page (free template).

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - UI Alerts Page (free template).
Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - UI Alerts Page (free template).

Thanks for reading! For more resources and support, please access:

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel PRO comes not only with a huge number of UI components and a Vue Material frontend, but also with an API-powered Laravel backend.

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Premium Version
Vue Material Dashboard Laravel - Premium Version