WrapKit Lite - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit

Hello! This article presents an open-source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit crafted and released for free by WrapPixel agency. WrapKit can be downloaded directly from Github, under the MIT License, and used for hobby & commercial products. For newcomers, Bootstrap is a leading CSS/JS framework actively supported and versioned by programming experts. Thanks for reading!

WrapKit Lite is a Free Bootstrap 5 Web UI Kit that allows you to create anything like complete websites, landing pages, coming soon, homepages in no time.

It comes with some stunning ready-to-use UI Blocks & Elements to make your life even easier to use directly for your projects.

WrapKit Lite (Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Kit) - Hero Component

The product comes with ready-to-use sections that will allow you to just drag and drop it to a new page with a well-defined guide of what CSS, HTML & JS code you would require to use each section, which makes it even easier to create something amazing.

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. You will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project.

WrapKit Lite (Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Kit) - Newsletter Component

WrapPixel Lite - Contact Component
WrapKit Lite (Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Kit) - Contact Component

WrapPixel Lite - Image Component
WrapKit Lite (Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Kit) - Image Component

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