Flask API for Products & Sales

This video material presents the API provided by Flask Datta Able (premium starter) on top of two tables: Product & Sales.

Flask API (Sales & products) - Datta Able Design (premium version).
Flask API (Sales & products) - Datta Able Design (premium version).

Hello! This article presents the latest features added to Datta Able, a premium seed project powered by Flask. The product now supports an API over two linked tables (products & sales) powered by Flask-RestX.

The video presentation of the mentioned features is published on Youtube and also can be visualized here:

Flask API for Products & Sales - Datta Able Design

✨ Video Transcript

  • ✅ Create a new user via Github OAuth
  • ✅ Edit the profile information
  • ✅ Access the API Explorer
  • ✅ Access the Swagger UI

For complete information about this premium Flask Starter, feel free to access the product page or chat with the support team.

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