next-js Dsign - Free NextJs Landing-page The Dsign Next.js Landing-page template provides a starting point for developers who want to build websites quickly and efficiently.
astro Astro Framework - Resources & Free Starters A curated list with resources and free samples for Astro, an innovative web framework
astro AstroLaunch UI AstroLaunch UI is a free starter template built with the powerful combination of Astro, React, and Material Tailwind - Crafted by Creative-Tim.
free-page-builder Free Website Builder - Simpllo An open-source website builder made with VanillaJS and Bootstrap 5 Components - actively supported by AppSeed.
site-builder Open-Source Drag & Drop Builder Open-Source visual tools built with VanillaJS that allow to code websites, landing pages and forms with ease - provided by AppSeed.
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material-design Material Dashboard React Laravel #FREE Open-Source Full-Stack starter crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Material Design powered by Laravel and React.
bootstrap-5 FreeDash Bootstrap 5 Free and pixel-perfect dashboard template crafted by AdminMart on top of Bootstrap 5: FreeDash template
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django Modernize - Open-Source Django Starter Open-Source Django Starter crafted on top of Modernize, a pixel-perfect design from Adminmart - Sources are published on GitHub under the MIT License.
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react React & Flask - Argon Design (Free, Generated Product) Full-Stack Seed project generated by React App Generator top of Argon Design design from Creative-Tim - Sources saved on GitHub (MIT License).
ui-ux Web Agency Design - Sticky Video (Updated Product) Open-Source Web Agency Design updated to support sticky videos hosted on YouTube - Source Code saved on GitHub (MIT License).
figma Web Agency Design - FIGMA Project (commercial) A new project crafted by AppSeed: Innovative and colorful Web Agency Design for FIGMA (commercial project).